Yo! This is the 1st time I'm writing in Blogspot!
Well, I actually planned to write in here right after I finished my SPM, which was about a month ago (but seems like ages to me!), but I just can't seem to find the time, but you know what? I didn't do much at all during this 30 over days.
Before SPM, I had already got a plan in my mind, I had wanted to finish all the dramas that I've not been catching up; I had wanted to hang out with my buddies as many times as possible; I had wanted to read up all the books I had bought before SPM but didn't had time for them plus re-reading the whole edition of Harry Potter... the list goes on and on and on, trust me, you would not want to hear it, I can keep on blabbering like this until dawn comes and goes... Anyway, my plans didn't work, well, didn't work that well, at least...
What actually happens after my merdeka day is, I spend about half the day daily lying on my bed, the time I spend in the Land of Nod is almost the same as the period of time my eyelids are set to work (get what I mean?), well, I might have exaggerated a little, but anyway, what I wanna say is, I wasted a lot of my precious time and, I seem to do nothing at all during these 30 over days, although I did actually attend the Undang Seminar and pass the test; worked for 3 days in the recent PC Fair in KLCC; finished 2 story books and watched Why Why Love (Taiwan Drama Huan Huan Ai) til episode 10 and Ju Guong Bou Hei (Hong Kong Drama) til episode 38... But besides these, I've done nothing, as in, blank, zero work done, except if you count helping out in my Mom's shop as something...
Anyhow, my back is kind of aching now (A result of sitting in front of the computer for too long), oh ya! I've forgotten a very vital detail that I need to write, I HAVE FINALLY FOUND MY LONG-LOST GARY CHAW CD ALBUM 'SUPER SUNSHINE'!! AND DID I MENTION THAT I LOVE HIM LOVE HIM LOVE HIM SO SO SO MUCH?? NO? I DIDN'T? WELL, I'M TELLING YOU NOW! I L-O-V-E GARY CHAW!!! MUACKS! Ok, back to unBold and unBlock letters (forgive me for being so excited when talking about Gary). You see, when his latest 3rd album came out, the first thing I did was buy his album with the money I had saved, pence by pence and bucks by bucks 1 month before his album was out... So, can you imagine how awkward it is when I paid the cashier guy the RM47.50, with about a dozen (Or is it 2 dozens?) RM 1.00 notes? Well, I didn't really felt awkward, it was saved with every ounce of effort of mine you know! But my 2 best friends, Jing Mei and Guan Rou, they were so embarassed that they didn't accompany me when I reached the counter, they went outside instead, acting as though they didn't know me, what a friend!! >:-( Hehe, but I don't blame them, I would have done the same thing if I were them... Anyway, the point is, after buying the album and listening to it as much as I can, I lost it just after a week I bought it, now, don't give me that raise-an-eyebrow look, I used to return to my house in Subang and go to my Mum's shop almost daily that time, so, Gary's album is brought along like that, to and fro, everyday, and don't forget I'm a pretty clumsy person, so... one day, it just went Poof!, and it was gone. I almost turned my house and Mum's shop topsy-turvy just to look for that album, thank God I found it back now!
By the way, my back is really aching like hell now, tata!